Friday 1 February 2019

Baby Wraps

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Baby wraps usually consist of a very long strand of cloth which can then be wrapped around the user’s body to create various positions for carrying a baby.

Baby Wraps: Don’t Let First Impressions Scare You

Many people initially find the length of the wrap cloth intimidating.  But, don’t let your initial impression of a wrap prevent you from testing one out.  Once you master the technique of using a wrap (a very simple thing to learn) you may just find that it is the perfect solution for carrying your baby while at the same time saving the strength in your back and arms.

Baby Wraps
Baby Wraps

Most wraps come with DVD instruction or have YouTube videos that allow you to watch how to use the wrap for different carrying positions.  Try practicing once or twice with a stuffed animal or doll until you feel confident in your wrapping technique and then test it out on your baby.  Once you understand how to use a wrap they are very easy to put on.

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Benefits Of A Baby Wrap

Parents often love wraps because of their versatility.  Wraps can be used to create a forward facing carrier, a chest facing carrier (best for young babies), a sling position (also good for young babies) and a hip carrier.  If put on correctly, wraps are strong enough to support your baby, often without extra hand support.  This then leaves the carrier’s hands free for other tasks.
Whenever my daughter was extremely fussy I would just quickly put on my wrap and go for a quick stroll.  She almost always fell asleep against my chest.  I would then just go about my day doing what I needed to do while she sleep soundly inside the wrap.

Baby Wrap Advice

If possible, hold off on your purchase of an infant carrier until the arrival of your baby.  Then take your baby along to the store to try out the sling or wrap, or carrier.  Most stores will not object to you testing the product with your baby.  See how your baby responds to the different items and then choose the one that best pleases both you and your baby.


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