Friday 1 February 2019

Baby Carriers

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Baby carriers can best be described as backpack-like (or more appropriately: front pack) contraptions that are used to carry a baby while leaving the carrier’s hands free for other tasks.

Benefits Of Baby Carriers

Carriers are ideal for toting around babies, especially as they begin to get heavy and your arms and back can no longer stand to free-hold them for long periods of time.  They are also great for when you are out-and-about but don’t want to take along the stroller—like when nature walking, going to the beach, or shopping in the market.
Infant carriers tend to be sturdier than slings and wraps and are therefore a great choice for older, heavier babies (after 3-4 months).  However, this does not mean you cannot use an infant carrier with a younger baby.  Many carriers are designed to hold babies as young as a few days old.  Check out the recommended use for the carrier you are considering purchasing.

Also Read:

Baby Carriers
Baby Carriers

About Infant Carriers

All infant carriers allow the baby to sit up facing the wearer’s chest and should provide ample back and head support for very young infants.  Some infant carriers also allow the baby to face forward (in the same sitting up position) but this is not recommended for babies younger than 3-4 months.  Depending on the infant carrier, you may even be able to carry the baby on the hip or also on the back (this position is only for older babies).  Some carriers are only good for younger babies, under six months and others can safely support a child up to the age of 3-4.  Check out the different positions and functions of the carrier before purchase to see how versatile that particular carrier is.
When deciding on an infant carrier you want to consider two important points:
  1. How comfortable is the carrier?  Can you carry a heavy baby without causing pain to your back or shoulders?  Is the material comfortable and breathable for both you and baby?
  2. How easy is the carrier to put on and take off?  Can you do it alone?  Can you put the baby in the carrier and take the baby out of the carrier without help?

Baby Carrier Helpful Advice

If possible, hold off on your purchase of an infant carrier until the arrival of your baby.  Then take your baby along to the store to try out the sling or wrap, or carrier.  Most stores will not object to you testing the product with your baby.  See how your baby responds to the different items and then choose the one that best pleases both you and your baby.


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