Wednesday 23 January 2019

Car Sickness in babies: How to cure car sickness or motion sickness

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If there is car sickness in baby or you can say motion sickness then there are some tips to how to cure car sickness or motion sickness. Try these tips to prevent or reduce the symptoms:
- Make sure child is well rested before the trip
- Feed your child before the trip
- Do not use strong perfume before the journey - you can always put it on after you arrive at your destination
- Do not smoke while driving. Even if you have a craving, pull over in a parking lot or to a rest area, step out and smoke, just for your child's sake 
- Engage your child in interesting conversation or singing songs or playing verbal games, but make sure driving safe is your primary responsibility
- While driving avoid giving children books to color or read. This sometimes can cause sickness on certain kids
- If child is really sick stop in a rest area and go for a short walk. Fresh air and firm ground will help decrease dizziness
- While driving make breaks at least every two hours
- If its not cold, open window occasionally just enough for a gentle breeze
- Drive smoother, avoid making sudden turns
- Have plenty of water to drink
- Sometimes chewing a gum can help for older kids 

If nothing helps travel by train. Most likely the child will not feel dizzy :)

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Third year crisis

When your child is around 3, he/she will experience a so called "3rd year crisis". Your toddler might object everything you say, might even give nasty tantrums in public and swear using "bad" words (you may wonder where did she learn all that stuff?). 

A word of relief

By the 4th birthday this should go away gradually. This is just another developmental milestone in your child's life when she tests what is appropriate and inappropriate in society and also tests your abilities as a parent to handle such situations. Don't scream or spank your child. Your strict word, and a firm grip on her hand, and ignoring the tantrum will do the trick at least temporarily.


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